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The Trick To Submitting To Screenwriting Contests? Set a Fake Deadline

Are you planning on submitting to the Moonshot Feature Accelerator or another screenwriting competition? Here's how you can make sure your screenplay is ready on time.

woman stressed about submitting to a screenwriting contest. Moonshot Feature Accelerator

Procrastinators, unite! About a third of writers submitting to contests wait till the day of the final deadline to submit. (That's according to someone we chatted with at the screenwriting contest platform Coverfly, so they know what they're talking about!) If you've ever found yourself scrambling to hit submit with just minutes to spare, you're not alone.

It can be hard to prioritize submitting to a fellowship early in the application period, and before you know it, the deadline is upon you! Suddenly, you're rushing to rearrange scenes, fix typos, write your application questions, and make sure everything is good to go.

But it doesn't have to be that way!

This is where the fake deadline comes in. Pick a date that will be your deadline, put it on your calendar, and try to forget the fact that the real deadline is still a week or two away. Treat your deadline like it's set in stone — if you don't submit by midnight, you'll miss out.

At Moonshot, we know it can sometimes be hard to stick to a fake deadline, even when you have the best of intentions. That's why we created Hit Submit Day — a dedicated day of accountability for writers submitting to the Moonshot Feature Accelerator. For just one day, we're offering an exclusive $10 off discount code — and remember, it only works for 24 hours. We're also hosting a live, virtual office hour, where applicants can drop in and ask our co-founders Katrina Medoff and Tracy Sayre any last questions.

The beauty of Hit Submit Day is that if you're really, truly not ready to submit by midnight, you've learned that early — not on the day of the final deadline. During the Hit Submit Day office hours for our 2024 Moonshot Pilot Accelerator, we spoke to multiple applicants who, having read through their scripts or begun their application questions, discovered that they weren't as ready as they thought they were. But that was a good thing! Those applicants may have missed out on the Hit Submit Day discount, but they had ample time to get their projects ready for the final deadline.

Do you need motivation and accountability to hit submit on your Moonshot Feature Accelerator application?

We’re hosting Hit Submit Day on Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2024, to give you a great excuse to get your application in early!

Fill out this quick pledge to submit on Oct. 29, and we’ll send you an exclusive $10 off discount code to use on that day only! If you’re submitting multiple scripts, you’ll be able to use this code on ALL of your submissions! We’ll send you reminders so that it doesn’t fall through the cracks.

You’ll also be invited to our virtual “office hours” from 1-2 p.m. PT / 4-5 p.m. ET, where you can drop in and ask any last questions you may have before hitting the submit button.


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